The Call of the Light 1:1 Mentorship

The Remembrance – Accelerated Development

The Remembrance. For the wayshowers and those that know, deep in every cell of their being that they are here to make a difference and are ready to step into their power more completely.

Occasionally Benji opens to a wonderful 1-1 mentorship and light work acceleration exchange. This includes but not limited to full remote support, clearings, quantum healings and activations over a period of approximately 8 weeks. This journey can be intense and not aligned for everyone.

As we are all at varying stages of development, the number and the type of sessions are individually curated by the higher light teams and so pricing of this Remembrance journey vary and will be unique to each situation and circumstance.

Schedule Your Session
with Benji

I am ready to step into all that I can be. I am a divine being of power, light and pure authenticity in creative dance with my soul in the highest expression and good of all.

Energy Exchange: From £1111

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