Quantum Soul Healing Session

A healing directed by your HIgher Self

Profound healing, guided by your Soul via the higher self.
This session is rich, diverse and what could come forward is too vast to detail. A true conversation and healing of Soul. It is lead by your higher teams of light, via Benji and is unique to you. This session clears that which is in the way of your soul expressing itself more authentically, coherently in this incarnation and aligns you more fully to your soul path in this lifetime.
The essence of this session is to uncover what is calling to be addressed now at this stage of your development. We begin with a short soul discovery conversation, where you can find out about;
  •  Soul Origin
  •  If you have any messages from your team
  • If there are any updates and clearings your team and higher self would you like you to receive
  • If it is time to change members of your guide team to match your highest purpose
  • If there is cord-cutting that can be done
  • If there are any timelines to be released
  •  Specific past lives where soul fragments are ready to be integrated and contracts released.
  •  Implant Akashic records or any distortion affecting soul expression
  •  Galactic connections and history to call forward to activate dormant gifts
This session will be around 1 hour and 15 minutes and you will experience a transmission of a variety of universal energies, languages of light and physical sensations.
The session will be recorded and shared with you, once you receive the recording it shall be deleted from Benjis computer.
Your personal investment is suggested £234

Quantum Soul Healing Session


A healing directed by your HIgher Self

Quantum Soul Healing
Profound healing, guided by your Soul via the higher self.
This session is rich, diverse and what could come forward is too vast to detail. A true conversation and healing of Soul. It is lead by your higher teams of light, via Benji and is unique to you. This session clears that which is in the way of your soul expressing itself more authentically, coherently in this incarnation and aligns you more fully to your soul path in this lifetime.
The essence of this session is to uncover what is calling to be addressed now at this stage of your development. We begin with a short soul discovery conversation, where you can find out about;
– Soul Origin
– Receive messages from your team
– Any Updates and clearings your team and higher self would you like you to receive
– Changing your guide team to match your higher purpose
– Cord-Cutting
– Releasing of older timelines
– Sometimes we will be quantum leaping or quantum jumping.
– Light Language activations.
⁃ Specific past lives where soul fragments are ready to be integrated and contracts released.
⁃ Implant Akashic records or any distortion affecting soul expression
⁃ Galactic connections and history to call forward to activate dormant gifts
This session will be around 1 hour and 15 minutes and you will experience a transmission of a variety of universal energies, languages of light and physical sensations.
The session will be recorded and shared with you, once you receive the recording it shall be deleted from Benjis computer.
Your personal investment is suggested £234

Schedule Your Session
with Benji

I am ready to step into all that I can be. I am a divine being of power, light and pure authenticity in creative dance with my soul in the highest expression and good of all.

Personal investment: £234

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