Sacred Land Work & Space Clearing
This is Sacred work, in co-operation with Gaia and all living systems on this Planet.
Listen More About Sacred Land Work
Like us, a Space is a beautifully rich Multi-dimentional tapestry weave of information with its own character, history and vibrational quality. I’m sure you can recall times where you have entered a place and felt uneasy, maybe on edge and others where there’s unmistakable air of welcome, warmth or potent healing energy.
Ben as a Land Guardian is gifted as a highly skilled Grid and Portal Light Worker with the codes to clear past, stagnant density as well as to upgrade sites to their full vibrational potential, realigned with the new galactic grid information systems.
This is Sacred work, in co-operation with Gaia and all living systems on this Planet.
This form of Lightwork is highly efficient in two areas.
Gaia Grid & Land Clearing
This can be arranged at sacred sites or any location which is calling for a clearing. This works magnificently when amplified with a group vibration in a workshop setting or at potent cycles of year such as Solstice or Equinox events. In these sessions, anything can happen and is too vast to detail here! Feel free to contact Ben, he is more than happy to share.
Home and Sacred Temple Space Clearing and Activation
The before and after differences here are remarkable. A space energetically created for an intended purpose is imprinted with and amplifies the resonance of that intention be it Healing, Safety, Unity or Transcendence for example.
A home is your sacred space. When cleared and properly activated, a home can inspire and support you in ways you can’t imagine almost like living in a giant crystal.
Infuse your space with higher vibrational qualities such as harmony, joy, vitality and body recharging capabilities.
Typically healing spaces, due to the nature of the work done there especially if trauma release related, quickly contain invisible layers of ‘gunk’ or density, unwanted open portals and can often attract entities which gravitate to such spaces.
A regular thorough cleansing of the space maintains the energetic harmony and integrity of the work within.
This work is pure Joy and a privilege to do! Please contact Ben for availability and sliding exchange pricing options.
This is a thorough two step process which firstly involves a deep cleansing of all distortion in the form of;
- Third dimensional influences (History, Karmic and Conflict)
- Multidimentional (Portal Ways, Grid Systems, Distortion & Attachments)
Followed by a Quantum Realignment. An attunement and reactivation of sorts. Each case is brilliantly unique.
A few side effects to this work;
- Plants thrive
- Sleeping patterns improve
- More harmony and less tension in the space
- Improved resilience to stress and illness
- Increased coherence maintained in energy body systems
- Calm, happy pets

Sacred Land Work & Space Clearing
This is Sacred work, in co-operation with Gaia and all living systems on this Planet.
Listen More About Sacred Land Work
Like us, a Space is a beautifully rich Multi-dimentional tapestry weave of information with its own character, history and vibrational quality. I’m sure you can recall times where you have entered a place and felt uneasy, maybe on edge and others where there’s unmistakable air of welcome, warmth or potent healing energy.
Ben as a Land Guardian is gifted as a highly skilled Grid and Portal Light Worker with the codes to clear past, stagnant density as well as to upgrade sites to their full vibrational potential, realigned with the new galactic grid information systems.
This is Sacred work, in co-operation with Gaia and all living systems on this Planet.
This form of Lightwork is highly efficient in two areas.
Gaia Grid and Land Clearing
This can be arranged at sacred sites or any location which is calling for a clearing. This works magnificently when amplified with a group vibration in a workshop setting or at potent cycles of year such as Solstice or Equinox events. In these sessions, anything can happen and is too vast to detail here! Feel free to contact Ben, he is more than happy to share.
Home and Sacred Temple Space Clearing and Activation.
The before and after differences here are remarkable. A space energetically created for an intended purpose is imprinted with and amplifies the resonance of that intention be it Healing, Safety, Unity or Transcendence for example.
A home is your sacred space. When cleared and properly activated, a home can inspire and support you in ways you can’t imagine almost like living in a giant crystal.
Infuse your space with higher vibrational qualities such as harmony, joy, vitality and body recharging capabilities.
This is a thorough two step process which firstly involves a deep cleansing of all distortion in the form of;
Third dimensional influences (History, Karmic and Conflict)
Multidimentional (Portal Ways, Grid Systems, Distortion & Attachments)
Followed by a Quantum Realignment. An attunement and reactivation of sorts. Each case is brilliantly unique.
A few side effects to this work;
- Plants thrive
- Sleeping patterns improve
- More harmony and less tension in the space
- Improved resilience to stress and illness
- Increased coherence maintained in energy body systems
- Calm, happy Pets
Typically healing spaces, due to the nature of the work done there especially if trauma release related, quickly contain invisible layers of ‘gunk’ or density, unwanted open portals and can often attract entities which gravitate to such spaces.
A regular thorough cleansing of the space maintains the energetic harmony and integrity of the work within.
This work is pure Joy and a privilege to do! Please contact Ben for availability and sliding exchange pricing options.
Schedule Your Session
with Benji
I am ready to step into all that I can be. I am a divine being of power, light and pure authenticity in creative dance with my soul in the highest expression and good of all.
Energy Exchange: From £611